Where you are on the Burnout Barometer?

The Burnout Barometer is a tool to help you identify your personal risk of burnout.

If you’re feeling exhausted, frustrated, or apathetic towards work or home activities, you could be experiencing the early stages of burnout. Take the quiz to identify where you rate on the Burnout Barometer and pinpoint what is holding you back from being unstoppable personally and professionally. Change is possible!


This assessment consists of 20 statements. For each statement, mark the level to which it applies for a ‘typical’ week of work. Answer honestly to grow your self-awareness and to give an accurate insight into your burnout risk

Burnout Barometer

Welcome to the Burnout Barometer Quiz!

Please provide your contact information below so we can send you a copy of your results.

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Please respond based on your typical work week

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Burnout Barometer Assessment

Burnout Barometer Assessment

One more question to go...

What is your current career focus?

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