Is burnout or Busyness getting in the way?

did you know...

What got you here

Relentless pursuit of knowledge and perfectionism
Pushing through exhaustion with willpower and grit
Dismissing emotions as mere annoyances
Ignoring signs of physical, mental, or emotional stress
Saying "Yes" to everyone but your self

Won't get you there

A healthy mind-body-heart connection
Embracing emotions as intelligent messengers
Alignment with your dreams and core values
Creating a life of significance and impact
Building mental muscle in your WHOLE BeYoutiful Brain

It's going to take your

WHOLE BeYoutiful Brain

Your intelligence and your imagination

Creativity is intelligence
having fun.

—Albert Einstein

Is your BeYoutiful Brain ready for
intelligent fun and creative impact?

Hey Friend, Welcome!

I’m Kim Byrne—lifestyle strategist and coach for women who are ready to turn their success into significance and their insights into impact.

I am also a rewired Product Manager/Developer and past corporate/start-up employee turned home business owner of The BeYoutiful Brain and Seeds to Stories.

My mission is to help purpose-driven, midcareer women (like you!) breakthrough overwhelm, self-doubt, and isolation, particularly in male-dominated areas like STEM and leadership positions. It’s time to seize those opportunities that will take your personal and professional dreams to the next level—say “Hello” to impact and significance.

Because really, the world needs your brilliance, along with your fierce and tender passion for creating empowered change for yourself and those lucky enough to know you! And that requires learning to use your WHOLE brain—your intelligence and your creativity.

Here at The BeYoutiful Brain, you’ll find the coaching and community you need to confidently design and live your life so your inner light burns bright, not out.

Are you at risk for burnout?

what if...

It's finally time to feel
your external success...
on the inside too?

imagine if you could...
  • Unconditionally accept yourself
  • Align your thoughts with purpose-driven courage and creativity
  • Feel good enough no matter how many items are left on your to-do list
  • Feel confident that you can handle any stress without unhealthy coping habits
  • Deeply trust yourself to have clear boundaries and follow through
so you could...

Change your thoughts
and even let yourself
do nothing sometimes

(Yes, I'm serious!)
The no-bs news...

Changing your mindset takes time

The good news...

It's possible!!

Often in less than 30 days
more good news...

Changing your mindset
only requires three things


the best news...

You're already well on your way

Because you are here...with questions
And you are ready to design a life you love

An inspired life filled with freedom, joy and impact.

It starts with knowing where you're at

The Mindset Assessment




and the next step...

A Beginner's Mindset
Your BeYoutiful Brain

These are the keys to transforming

Insights into Impact
Success into Significance
Life into Legacy

get started here

The Breakthrough Burnout Workshop

Break burnout before it breaks you!

Are you ready to

Burnout, Boredom and Busyness?

Breakthrough Burnout - Home page (1080 × 1080 px)

Yes, it really is possible to eliminate the soul-crushing cycle of
chronic stress, overwhelm and exhaustion
BEFORE it becomes the reason you
give into unhealthy coping strategies,
allow anger to damage important relationships, or
unintentionally sacrifice your dreams.

I want to break through...not break down

In less than 3 hours,
you'll implement sustainable habits to

How it happens...

Special Offer

Attn: Women in STEM

Here's your chance to support STEM education for young women.

Register below for this special training offer

Price: $100 $47 for a limited time.

50% of all proceeds will go to

an organization building the world’s largest pipeline of
future female engineers.

It's time...

Break through Burnout, Boredom, and Busyness in only 3 hours!

In this 2-day, info-packed training, you're going to discover...

DAY ONE (90 minutes):

DAY TWO (90 minutes):

Next workshop begins


Tuesday, May 14*

By entering your email address above, you are requesting updates about upcoming trainings and information about creating a life by design, not by default. You can opt out at any time, and we’ll never rent or sell your email address.

*Special Offer (see above)

For a limited time 50% of proceeds go to Girls Who Code

Yes! you are ready to

Burn bright...not out!

curious about Coaching?

The BeYoutiful Brain Blueprint

A Day one Practice

Are you looking for a place to uplevel your entire life?

I can help you with this...starting today!

I created the The BeYoutiful Brain Blueprint for women just like you.

Women who want to feel healthy and strong.
Women who want more time, energy and freedom.
Women who want to create an extraordinary life overflowing with impact and significance.

I can help you achieve ALL of these goals and dreams.

The BeYoutiful Brain Blueprint is the first step in rewiring your brain for you best life. It gives you everything you need to make progress quickly in all areas of your life: physical health, self-awareness, career, relationships, and energy management.

In just a few minutes every day, you can design a life you love and make the sustainable changes to LIVE it!

Whether you need to reconnect with delayed dreams or create new ones, I'll help you take action towards turning your dreams into reality. So you can be unstoppable in both your professional and personal lives.

You might be brand new to coaching or have been trying to figure things out on your own for years (we've all been there). You don't have to do it alone—your dreams, your coach (me 💚) , and your community await.

We ALL need coaching. We need help in seeing the unconscious and negative thoughts creating the feelings and unhealthy actions holding us back.

The GOOD NEWS is this: If you can point to areas in your life where you aren't showing up in the way you most want're already on the right path...because your brain is using awareness to open the door to the possibility for change.

But there's more, right?

The twist in your gut, the feelings of fear, frustration or disappointment...they are telling you that you are living a life by default, not a life built on the power and energy of your amazing dreams—using your BeYoutiful Brain.

You are in the right place. And I am honored to walk with you on your journey.

You don't have to prepare anything...simply decide you're ready.

Are you ready to change your thoughts, so you can dramatically change your life?

Today is the day you decide to turn your One Day dreams into Day One action.

Let's do it...together!

You can start your coaching journey using The BeYoutiful Brain Blueprint with one decision.

Decide today is Day One.

Take the courageous step to book a RISK FREE call and get immediate access to my coaching process.

During our 45-minute Getting Started Strategy Call, you'll discover...

Get your private, no risk coaching session today.

I'm sure you'll love it and see the power of how it immediately changes your thinking and starts moving you towards living a life you love.

The unique process behind The BeYoutiful Brain Blueprint uses the power of your thoughts to change your actions so you can create the results you know YOU are meant share with the world.

If you decide to step onto the path of unstoppable change, you will experience instant energy and enthusiasm for the life you know you can build. One step, one day, one dream at a time...together!

So...My BeYoutiful Friend

Still Not quite sure what the first step is?

"In any given moment we have two options:
to step forward into growth or to step back into safety."

—Abraham Maslow

What path will you choose?

With the first path, you can move on without clicking the button below and continue doing what you’ve always done. And, chances are, you’ll continue getting what you’ve always gotten.

This choice means you'll continue the work-life balance struggle alone, risking your goals and delaying your dreams.

Or you can choose the second path...the path that leads you out of your comfort zone and into a life of purposeful challenge. A life where your insights lead to impact.

You can stop trying to figure this out all by yourself and instead follow the lead of someone who has already figured out how to achieve the very things you want so badly.

You know where you’ll be in a year if you choose to do nothing, but there’s no telling how far you’ll go in life with a coach and a community walking with you.

If you’re ready to create a life by design and not by default, I invite you to click the button below, and take the first step toward...

Turning your Success into Significance

Discover the top 10 micro-stressors
that lead to burnout

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Are you at risk for Burnout?

If you’re feeling prolonged fatigue, frustration or apathy, you may be experiencing the early stages of burnout. Take the quiz to find out where you rate on the Burnout Barometer.

Are you at risk for Burnout?

If you’re feeling prolonged fatigue, frustration or apathy, you may be experiencing the early stages of burnout. Take the quiz to find out where you rate on the Burnout Barometer.